Before you purchase an item using Training Units as your payment method you will need to obtain the Training Unit Key Code (TUKC) from the designated Credit Administrator (this could be the contact person that initiated the purchase of Informatica Training Units).
1. Search for the public live instructor-led class, onDemand training and/or certification exam you wish to purchase using Training Units and add it (or all of them if more than one) to your shopping cart by click on Add to Cart. You will be prompted to choose if this training is for yourself or if you are purchasing for someone else. More information about this here.
2. Click on the Shopping Cart icon in the top right corner and make sure to change from Currency to Training Units:
3. Click on Proceed to Checkout
4. Select the payment method Training Unit (Key Code) and click on Next:
5. You will be asked to enter the Training Unit Key Code in the field provided (make sure you click on Apply) as well as the billing address details:
6. Once you have clicked on Apply after entering the Training Unit Key Code you will be shown the number of Training Units that will be used for this transaction as well as the remaining Training Unit balance:
You will receive an error message if the number of Training Units is not sufficient enough or if the Training Unit Key Code is incorrect.
7. Click on Next to complete the transaction.
A confirmation screen will be shown and you will receive your course confirmation email.