Please be aware that for live training completion certificates will only be available:
- Once the class is over
- You have been marked as attended and
- The class has been marked as completed by the Informatica University team
1. Log in to your Informatica Account or, click here, and log in with your Informatica Account credentials.
a) On your Learner Home Page click on COMPLETIONS to the left of your search bar. This will immediately direct you to your completed training and certification exam page:
- Alternatively, click on the menu (3 horizontal bars in the top right corner) and select MY TRAINING and VIEW YOUR TRAINING TRANSCRIPT:
- Change the dropdown from ACTIVE to COMPLETED to view your completed training and certification exams.
3. In the Action menu to the right of your completed course title, select VIEW CERTIFICATE.
If not visible on the Action button, click the down arrow to open the Action menu and select VIEW CERTIFICATE:
4. Your certificate will open in a separate window where you will be able to download, print, or save it.
If you have followed the above steps and see that your class is still showing in the ACTIVE and not yet in the COMPLETED tab reach out to us using the SUBMIT A REQUEST option making sure to provide your name and details of the class attended (title, dates, locator number (if available)).