Set aside time to complete your course! Purchase of your onDemand course includes 90 days of access, and that time will go very fast. Please make time on your calendar to complete the training in the time allotted. You can always purchase the course again if needed.
Other tips:
- Check and verify that you meet the connectivity and browser requirements as listed out here.
- Download your lab guides prior to viewing the onDemand content. That way you can be ready to follow instructions for labs when directed.
- Attend our optional Lab Forum if you have any questions. You can sign up for a session to ask a live instructor for help.
- Completion - In many courses, completion of onDemand training is achieved when students view each slide within all modules of the course, as well as taking any included quizzes. To reach 100% completion status in your curriculum you may need to navigate to your lab section and activate, launch and/or mark complete the components within.